Slurm performance

srun command

QCG-Pilot job uses the Slurm’s srun client to run applications within a created allocation. Thanks to the tight integration with the queueing system, srun is able to properly run an application on the specified node of our allocation using, for example, cpu binding mechanisms. The usage of srun seems to be particularly convenient for running parallel applications using the MPI library. It provides a unified way of running such applications, regardless of the vendor and version of MPI library (note that the commands used to run MPI-based applications provided by different MPI libraries such as OpenMPI/IntelMPI/MPICH have a different name, syntax and way of running the target application). Unfortunately, when starting an application, the srun client communicates with the queueing system controller and creates a step for each running application. It turns out that with too frequent use of this client, the queue system controller struggles with quite a heavy load which affects the performance of the whole queueing system.

The QCG-PilotJob service uses the srun client by default in two cases:

  • during service initialization to launch agents* running on each allocation node
  • in the srunmpi model when launching user applications with the srunmpi model.

It is possible to replace srun with alternatives for both these cases as presented below.



When running QCG-PilotJob on large allocations (containing more than a few dozen nodes) it is recommended to use the --nl-start-method call parameter with the value ssh which will cause the QCG-PilotJob service agents to be started on the allocation nodes using the ssh protocol.


Ensure that logging in using the ssh protocol is done using a

public key without requiring a password. Information on how to configure the ssh service in this way should be available in the documentation of the computing system, and usually boils down to generating an ssh key and adding its public signature to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.

User parallel applications

For scenarios containing a significant number of parallel user jobs, we recommend that you resign from the srunmpi tasks startup model and use one of the following:

  • intelmpi
  • openmpi

These are models that use native IntelMPI and OpenMPI library commands to run parallel applications. Additionally, they allow to configure call parameters using model_opts/mpirun and model_opts/mpirun_args elements. An example syntax of such commands is as follows:

1) example of running a LAMMPS application compiled with the IntelMPI library using the ssh protocol on a SupermucNG system

"name": "lammps-bench",
"execution": {
        "exec": "lmp",
        "args": ["-log", "none", "-i", "in.lammps"],
        "stderr": "stderr",
        "stdout": "stdout",
        "model": "intelmpi",
        "model_opts": { "mpirun_args": [ "-launcher", "ssh" ] }
"resources": {
        "numCores": {
                        "exact": 24
  1. example of running an application compiled with the OpenMPI library
        "name": "mpi-app",
"execution": {
    "exec": "mpiapp",
    "stderr": "stderr",
    "stdout": "stdout",
    "model": "openmpi",
    "model_opts": {
                        "mpirun": "/opt/exp_soft/local/skylake/openmpi/4.1.0_gcc620/bin/mpirun",
                        "mpirun_args": ["--mca", "rmaps_rank_file_physical", "1"]
                modules = [ "openmpi/4.1.0_gcc620" ],
"resources": {
    "numCores": {
        "exact": 24